The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 13 PROTECTOR+MASKS+OKT+2024+JPG_47.jpg

The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 13

Only 1 available
The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 17 PROTECTOR+MASKS+OKT+2024+JPG_50.jpg

The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 17

Only 1 available
The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 15 PROTECTOR+MASKS+OKT+2024+JPG_9.jpg

The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 15

Only 1 available
The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 16 PROTECTOR%2BMASKS%2BOKT%2B2024%2BJPG_9.jpg

The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 16

Only 1 available
The dogs / original artworks (50 x 70cm) ALLA VERK KONSTRUNDAN 2024_69.jpg

The dogs / original artworks (50 x 70cm)

Only 3 available
Make Friends / original artwork (50 x 70cm) ALLA VERK KONSTRUNDAN 2024_1.jpg

Make Friends / original artwork (50 x 70cm)

Only 2 available
ART FOR JOY original artworks (A4) ALLA VERK KONSTRUNDAN 2024_76.jpg

ART FOR JOY original artworks (A4)

Only 5 available
Yes Flower / original artwork (50 x 70cm) ALLA VERK KONSTRUNDAN 2024_37.jpg

Yes Flower / original artwork (50 x 70cm)

Only 2 available
ART FOR JOY original artworks (A3) ALLA VERK KONSTRUNDAN 2024_89.jpg

ART FOR JOY original artworks (A3)

The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 19 PROTECTOR+MASKS+OKT+2024+JPG_11.jpg

The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 19

Only 1 available
Sun and Moon within / original artwork (50 x 70cm) ALLA VERK KONSTRUNDAN 2024_51.jpg

Sun and Moon within / original artwork (50 x 70cm)

Only 2 available
The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 18 PROTECTOR+MASKS+OKT+2024+JPG_18.jpg
sold out

The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 18

Energy Shield / original artwork (50 x 70cm) KONSTRUNDAN+PROCESS+2+2024_1.jpg

Energy Shield / original artwork (50 x 70cm)

Only 1 available
The Protector wooden mask small / nr 9 PROTECTOR+TRA%CC%88+JAN+2024_3.jpg

The Protector wooden mask small / nr 9

Only 1 available
Flow / original artwork (50 x 70cm) KONSTRUNDAN+PROCESS+2+2024_1.jpg

Flow / original artwork (50 x 70cm)

Only 1 available
The Mountain / original artwork (50 x 70cm) ALLA VERK KONSTRUNDAN 2024_59.jpg

The Mountain / original artwork (50 x 70cm)

Only 2 available
POF dog and friends / collage ORIGINAL+ART+JULI+2022_21.jpg

POF dog and friends / collage

Only 1 available
Totem Bird garden / collage ORIGINAL+ART+JULI+2022_25.jpg

Totem Bird garden / collage

Only 1 available
Grow Fun / collage
sold out

Grow Fun / collage

The Protector wooden mask big / nr 3 PROTECTOR+TRA%CC%88+JAN+2024_20.jpg

The Protector wooden mask big / nr 3

Only 1 available
The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 14 PROTECTOR+MASKS+OKT+2024+JPG_50.jpg
sold out

The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 14

The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 12 PROTECTOR+MASKS+OKT+2024+JPG_18.jpg
sold out

The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 12

The Protector wooden mask big / nr 5 PRINTS+JAN+2024+JPG_1.jpg
sold out

The Protector wooden mask big / nr 5

The Protector wooden mask big / nr 7 PROTECTOR+TRA%CC%88+JAN+2024_3.jpg
sold out

The Protector wooden mask big / nr 7

The Protector wooden mask big / nr 6 MATOR+ROSA+VA%CC%88GG+JAN+2024+JPG_33.jpg
sold out

The Protector wooden mask big / nr 6

The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 11 PROTECTOR+TRA%CC%88+JAN+2024_3.jpg
sold out

The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 11

The Protector / wooden scuplture 8 BOMULLSFILTAR NOV 2022_62.jpg
sold out

The Protector / wooden scuplture 8

The Protector wooden mask big / nr 2 PROTECTOR+TRA%CC%88+JAN+2024_14.jpg
sold out

The Protector wooden mask big / nr 2

The Protector wooden mask big / nr 4 MATOR+ROSA+VA%CC%88GG+JAN+2024+JPG_4.jpg
sold out

The Protector wooden mask big / nr 4

The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 10 PROTECTOR+TRA%CC%88+JAN+2024_8.jpg
sold out

The Protector wooden sculpture small / nr 10

The Protector wooden mask big / nr 1 PRINTS+JAN+2024+JPG_76.jpg
sold out

The Protector wooden mask big / nr 1

The Protector / wooden sculpture 6 TRP+PROTECTORS+TRA%CC%88.jpg
sold out

The Protector / wooden sculpture 6

The Protector / wooden sculpture 5 TRP+PROTECTORS+TRA%CC%88_1.jpg
sold out

The Protector / wooden sculpture 5

The Protector / wooden sculpture 3 TRP+PROTECTORS+TRA%CC%88_4.jpg
sold out

The Protector / wooden sculpture 3

Eyes / Collage ORIGINAL+ART+JULI+2022_18.jpg
sold out

Eyes / Collage

Friendly Ghost / collage ORIGINAL+ART+JULI+2022_11.jpg
sold out

Friendly Ghost / collage

The Protector / wooden sculpture 1 KONSTRUNDAN+2022_12.jpg
sold out

The Protector / wooden sculpture 1

The Protector / wooden sculpture 4 TRP+PROTECTORS+TRA%CC%88_3.jpg
sold out

The Protector / wooden sculpture 4

The Protector / wooden sculpture 7 TRP+PROTECTORS+TRA%CC%88_3.jpg
sold out

The Protector / wooden sculpture 7

The Protector / wooden sculpture 2 TRP+PROTECTORS+TRA%CC%88_2.jpg
sold out

The Protector / wooden sculpture 2

Smiley Snake Club / acrylic on paper ORIGINAL+ART+JULI+2022_14.jpg
sold out

Smiley Snake Club / acrylic on paper
