We believe that the spaces we exist in have a deep impact on how we feel, act and react to life. A hallway or stairway is an often neglected space, as it’s a space we just move through. But it is also the first sight we see as we enter a home - meaning it sets the tone for the rest of the stay, or even sets the tone for your day outside your home, as it’s the last thing you see when you leave. Bearing this in mind, we decided to make our entrance bright and joyful, with a happy set of our symbols that remind us to have a playful approach to life and to not take things that don’t have to be taken seriously so serious.
The mural was inspired by designs we’ve made for our wool rugs, maybe you recognize some of the symbols? Check out our rugs here if you don’t have a clue what we’re talking about…
We’ve been lucky to collaborate with lovely Klint on this project, who provided us with their amazing paint. The colors we used for the stairway mural are 44 Stella, 91 Primör, 14 Dusty, 47 Aperitivo, 88 Ebba, 69 Sketch For Summer and 100 Joy. To make the mural we simply sketched the symbols with pencil and then started painting. You could also use an overhead machine but in our case the symbols didn’t turn out big enough when we tried it. We like to think of the mural as an ongoing project where we can add more elements as time goes.
Would you like a Tropical Scandinavia mural of your own, or maybe you have another custom project you’d like us to work on? Feel free to send us an email at with your inquiry, we’d love to hear from you!